Reliable predictions for online targeting
Ringier Advertising is another major market player that has had its predictions reviewed by WEMF AG für Werbemedienforschung. The PAC is a part of WEMF’s Better Prediction Initiative for more transparency and quality in online targeting.
Those who book advertising on online platforms are dependent on the adverts reaching the right target groups. Therefore, predictions about the users of online platforms are required. Based on these predictions, campaigns can then be targeted to specific groups. WEMF’s Prediction Accuracy Check examines the online targeting predictions of a publisher or marketer and compares their results with WEMF’s survey data. In this way, the predictions are checked to ensure that they are complete, reliable and as accurate as possible.
Prediction Accuracy Check by Ringier Advertising
Ringier Advertising has had its predictions for the «Blick.ch» brand, which are based on its in-house data solution «Alloy», checked by WEMF for the first time. The variables of gender and age as well as gender were analysed in combination with interest in sport and compared with the representative WEMF data set. Mitja Grusovnik, Head of Digital Products and Programmatic at Ringier Advertising, commented on the results of the first certification round: «With a score of 92.5 out of a maximum of 100 points for ‹Blick.ch› at the national level, we have successfully passed the PAC. The high score shows that our predictions are of very good quality. The independent audit by WEMF enables us to show our advertising customers how accurate our targeting is.»
Better Prediction Initiative (BPI)
With this initiative, WEMF supports publishers, marketers and advertising clients in validating and optimising their predictions. In this way, it creates transparency for the advertising market and helps to target potential customers and users. Those who participate in the BPI can prove to the advertising market that their predictions fulfill high quality standards that have been confirmed by an independent and a neutral body. This sets the participants apart from those online players who do not provide any insight into their prediction models. With the official labels «Better Prediction Initiative by WEMF» and «Prediction Accuracy Check certified by WEMF», participants can prove the validity and robustness of their online predictions to the advertising market (see Figure 1 and 2).
Figure 1: Label «Better Prediction Initiative by WEMF» | Figure 2: Label «Prediction Accuracy Check certified by WEMF»
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