is Switzerland’s first multimedia business and finance portal. It combines information and banking. Relevant news on money and financial topics is researched and published by the independent in-house editorial team.


  • Average Visits per Day177 158
  • Average IDs per Day90 000
  • Facebook Followers 2 600

Source: Mediapulse / Online Content Traffic Data 2024 / 15.1.2025

Source: Facebook – 31.07.2023

Media Facts

Media Facts

Basis133 000100.0 %2.5 %100
Male116 00087.5 %4.4 %176
Female17 00012.5 %0.6 %25
Between 14 and 19 years2 0001.6 %0.6 %24
Between 20 and 29 years10 0007.9 %1.5 %59
Between 30 and 39 years29 00021.7 %3.2 %127
Between 40 and 49 years23 00017.6 %2.7 %108
Between 50 and 59 years25 00018.5 %2.6 %105
60+ years44 00032.8 %2.8 %112
Between 14 and 34 years28 00021.3 %1.9 %75
Between 35 and 54 years51 00038.6 %2.9 %115
55+ years53 00040.1 %2.6 %106
Training & education
Compulsory10 0007.6 %1.2 %47
Medium45 00033.6 %1.9 %77
High78 00058.7 %3.7 %146
Household income
Up to CHF 5 99915 00011.0 %1.2 %47
Between CHF 6 000 and CHF 9 99939 00029.7 %2.3 %92
More than CHF 10 00062 00046.5 %4.5 %181
No information / Refused17 00012.8 %1.7 %67
Household management
Alone27 00020.0 %2.6 %103
Together106 00080.0 %2.5 %99
Residential area type
City / Agglomeration71 00053.3 %2.7 %108
Agglomeration Belt40 00030.3 %2.6 %103
Rural Area22 00016.3 %1.9 %77
Strong & very strong interest
Economy & Finance124 00093.1 %9.6 %384
Technology & IT124 00093.6 %5.8 %231
Mobility & Vehicles97 00073.3 %3.6 %143
Investments & Financial Markets99 00074.8 %3.6 %143
Digital Media & Entertainment36 00027.2 %3.5 %141
Investigative Reporting & Analysis59 00044.7 %3.5 %140
Consumer Information97 00073.1 %3.2 %127
Sports & Fitness113 00084.8 %3.2 %127
Regional & Local News71 00053.4 %3.0 %121
Politics & Global Issues62 00046.4 %3.0 %120

Source: MACH Strategy Consumer 2024 / Base: German-speaking group, 21,660 cases = 5,305 thousand = 71.4%


Unsere Newsletter

Sie erhalten mit Ihrer Werbebotschaft innerhalb des Newsletter Contents unserer bekannten Medienmarke grösste Aufmerksamkeit und erreichen eine hohe Anzahl interessierter Abonnenten.

Aktuell erscheinen regelmässig folgende Newsletter:

TitelDispatch dateInhalt
Cash «Insider Briefing»Montag – Freitag (vor Börsenstart)Letzte Marktnews, Aktienempfehlungen, Gerüchte und Spekulationen – kurz und prägnant
Cash «Das Wichtigste vom Morgen»Montag – Freitag (bis 08.30 Uhr)Aktuelle Wirtschaftsinformationen aus der Schweiz und der Welt 
Cash «Update»Montag – Freitag (bis 16.00 Uhr)Update zu den morgentlichen Wirtschaftsinformationen aus aller Welt
Cash «Headlines der Woche»Jeden SamstagmorgenKompakte Zusammenfassung der wichtigsten News der abgelaufenen Woche«»

Data Solutions

Our targeting services

As part of the Ringier Digital Network, we offer you a variety of different targetings. Here you will find the availability on the sites and the rates.


Advertising material delivery deadlines

  • Standard formats: three working days
  • Special formats (e.g. branding day, videos, advertorials, native advertising, sponsoring): five working days

A campaign can only be guaranteed to start on time if the delivery deadlines are met. Where possible, advertising material that is delivered late will be considered at the latest up to 3 pm on the previous working day (standard formats) or one working day before the start of the campaign (special formats). If this final deadline cannot be met, the start of the campaign will be postponed.

Delivery address for ad formats material

  • Delivery address for display, newsletter, advertorial & brand report advertising material:
  • Advertising material must be in delivered in https

Audio for display and outstream video formats may only start playing as a result of user interaction (i.e. clicking on a sound button on the advertising material). Audio for instream video formats should be switched to ‘sound on’.

For each campaign (flight/line item), there is a maximum limit of three subjects for physical delivery. If more than three subjects are integrated, the material must be delivered via a third-party tag.

Branding Day background images: the function of background images and colours is to provide a visual frame for Branding Days. Advertising messages in the form of images and/or text may not be included in background images – these should only be placed in the banners used for the respective campaign. If the background image does not meet these requirements, it cannot be used. The visibility of the background image depends on the screen resolutions used. If these are too low, some or all of the background image may not be displayed. It is therefore not possible to display the entire background image on all resolutions. If a background colour is used, it must be made available to us as a hex code (e.g.: #ED3B94).

The contract partner is solely responsible for fulfilling the heavy ad intervention criteria of the browsers Chrome and Edge. Advertisement deliveries that are blocked by heavy ad intervention will not be refunded or compensated. More information: Chromium Blog

Supported ad formats

  • Display
  • Video
  • Branding
  • Newsletter
  • Content



Ringier Advertising’s entire inventory can also be booked programmatically.

In the first-price auctions, in addition to total price transparency, we also offer comprehensive information about VPAID (where technically possible), viewability and publisher URLs. Private deals can include all segments.



Your Points of Contact